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Friendly Reminder to Take a Break From Technology

Recently my attention span and alertness has been decreasing. I admit that I was one of those people who secretly rolled their eyes at my elders for complaining about our dependence on technology, but there might be some truth!

Reasons why we should be conscious about staring at the screens:

-The blue light that emits from the screens prevents the release of melatonin-the hormone responsible for inviting sleep in a timely manner. We all know the dangers of less sleep! Our Stress management takes a dive and we become more susceptible to cancer. Source

-Our mental faculties adapt to our environment. If we are consistently doing things that require little brain power, our attention spans shorten.It has been noted that reporters are also encouraged to file shorter stories than ever before.Because online articles and social media aims to deliver information in the most concise way possible, it may have unintentionally created an atmosphere of unstimulating brain interactions.  Findings have found that our attention spans have decreased to that of a goldfish within the past two decades.Source

-Inability to accept idleness also affects your brain power. Studies have shown that it takes an average of 25 minutes to return to a task after an interruption. Yet surveys have shown that over 70% of adults age 18-24 reach for a phone when nothing is occupying their attention. These interruptions also affect your attention span. I used to use my phone to cope with anxiety but I found that meditation in the minutes between tasks have soothed me. Source

As a homebody internet junky who has become more aware of the world through the world wide web- the internet has done wonders to my emotional health.  Just sending out the friendly reminder that moderation is key!