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Things to Keep In Your Pantry

These are notes I’ve taken from the book “SuperFoods Rx: Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life”


highest to lowest antioxidant concentrations

-Broad beans/fava beans
-pinto beans and black beans

pg 40 (1 cup of lentils = 17 grams of protein=2 oz of extra-lean trimmed sirloin steak)
Canned beans are lower in vitamins than dried ones
recommended intake- 1/2 cup of beans

Get their super powers from anthocyanins which are concentrated i the skin.
The darker the berry, the higher the anthocyanin content.
Recommended intake: 2 cups daily

because of their smaller size, wild blueberries have more antioxidants ounce per ounce (more skin)

1/2 to 1 cup daily
Has a good source of iron.  The raw vegetable has more Vitamin C but cooking makes carotenoids more bioavailable. Eat both raw and cooked.

5-7 servings (example 1 slice of bread is one serving)
High fiber, zinc, etc
Corn is also a grain, yellow corn has carotenoids while white corn does not.

When checking for whole grains, make sure it begins with term “whole”.
Nutrition Facts should state there should be at least 3 grams of fiber per serving, if there is less, put it back.

(1 serving daily)
Vitamin C is rapidly excreted. Adequate daily intake is critical for optimum health. Eat pulp because and the tiny bit of orange color in the peel (it has limonene).
Concentration of vitamin C in orange pulp is twice that found in the peel  and 10 times found in juice. Eat pulp.

BEWARE: Dermatitis from unwashed peels and citrus that is not organic

1/2 most days
high fiber, Vitamins C and E, alpha and beta carotenes

Wild Salmon
2-4 times a week
Vitamin D, Potassium, Protein, selenium, omega 3’s

too much omega 3’s CAN thin the blood

Tofu, soymilk, soy nuts, edamame, miso

15 grams

phytoestrogens, vitamin E

if using protein powder, use some with extra soy isoflavones.


1 cup steamed or 2 cups raw

Glutathione, plant derived omega 3’s
Vitamins C,E, B

1 or more cups daily
tea bags are same as loose tea
add lemon /lime for polyphenol boost

flavonoids degrade with time, so freshly made is best

One serving per day or multiple per week

Vit C and B

Phytoene and phytofluene

lycopene is also found in watermelon, strawberry guava, red fleshed papaya, and persimmons

3-4 servings per week
Vitamin B
zinc, iron

1 oz, 5x a week
Vitamin E
B6 vitamin
arginine= essential amino acid
top nuts
almonds and pistachios
top seeds
sunflowers and pumpkin

Peanuts -48 peants provides 15% of daily E requirement

Almonds-7.6 grams of protein in .25 cup

Handful of walnuts> glass of apple juice/glass of red wine

14 halves of walnuts ( 1 serving) had more polyphenol than 2.2 servings of red wine.

avoid nuts with added oil

2 cups daily

look for-Low fat or non fat
no artificial colors
very fresh ( check exp date)
see if whey protein is listed)
Rich in live active cultures ( the more the better)

increase SPF in your skin by eating
lutein, beta carotene, lycopene, vitamins C and E, glutathione, omega 3’s , coenzyme Q10